Gratuitous use of animation.. very bad!

This page is to display recent pictures which may (or may not!) eventually end up here permanently. This lot are from the Sebastopol Celtic Music festival.

If you 'hover' on a pic with the cursor you'll get a brief description, or click on the image for a bigger version.

Berkeley's Randall catches up on all the cartoons that are fit to print.. Roger seems unimpressed with Bruce's simultaneous capering and playing.. Swords of Gridlock in action at Sebastopol, Sept 2001 Swords of Gridlock in action at Sebastopol, Sept 2001 Appletree Morris do their home-town gig at Sebastopol Celtic Music Festival, Sept 2001

Yep, more of that GIF stuff... tut,tut..
Roger has a go at simultaneous dancing(?) and playing

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